About & Contact

Thanks for visiting my gallery. I started creating metal sculptures at the age of 16 in an automotive recycling yard using old auto parts. Over the years I dabbled in functional art using objects at hand.

As time marched on, like many others, I moved away from physical art and became a practitioner of a variety of occupations. My journey back to my love of creating metal objects took me through a few careers, Auto and truck mechanic, shop foreman, service manager, electronics technician, prototype mechanic, programmer, systems engineer, project manager, consultant and eventually a business owner.

In 2001, when the love of my life opened Beads Amore', a store dedicated to helping people create unique jewelry, I again started creating objects de art, this new journey eventually led me back to my primal love of creating metal art.  As I observed the practitioners who were teaching this art, I realized they were mediocre teachers at best. Feeling that I had forgotten more than they were teaching, I concluded that my love of creating could merge with one of my later loves of teaching. 

Now as I find it more difficult to be mobile and travel as extensively as I have since 2009, I am moving on to the next stage of my life, I will continue to teach, create new tools, and videos, and create unique and exclusive pieces.

I hope you find something here that will bring you or a loved one joy and tranquility.


David Lee Smith MCSE